The Virginity Hit- take it, it’s good

The Virginity Hit is the story of Matt (Matt Bennett) and his friends who chronicle the loss of his virginity with a series of videos and adventures. Matt and his friends are all in high school and he is the last one to remain a virgin. Matt is devastated when he learns of his girlfriend’s infidelity and his friends concoct a scheme for revenge. His girlfriend Becca (Savannah Welch) discovers the plan and breaks up with Matt. His friends videotape the entire affair and everything else in their lives and create various YouTube sensations. Matt and his friends embark on a journey that involves Matt’s estranged father, his favourite porn star and a woman who finds him on the internet and wants to take his virginity.

The Virginity Hit is a funny movie that combines Superbad-style jokes and throws in quick Jackass-esque clips for good measure. The whole movie is shot like it’s being filmed by the characters themselves which enhanced the realism. The pace is fast, fun,  and keeps you wanting to know what will happen next. This film does deal with some real issues but doesn’t get sappy, which is a trap that many in the genre will fall into. This movie was well-written and contemporary and the dialogue was in-tune with the age group. The backdrop of New Orleans also gave a great texture to this movie. 

The Virginity hit starts with a bong hit, ends with a bong hit and keeps you entertained the whole way through. A really fun 90 minutes at the movies.

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