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UFC Fight Night: Cannonier vs. Imavov Betting Predictions

Discover expert betting picks for UFC Fight Night: Cannonier vs. Imavov. Read about Conor McGregor's latest news, the Diaz vs. Masvidal brawl, and the Makhachev vs. Jones pound-for-pound debate.

Welcome to another exciting episode of Ringside Report MMA, UFC Fight Night Cannonier vs. Imavov. In this episode, co-hosts Dave Simon and AJ D’Alesio dive into the latest in the MMA world, including discussions on Conor McGregor, a brawl between Nate Diaz and Jorge Masvidal, and a debate on the pound-for-pound rankings. We’ll also share our betting picks for the upcoming UFC Fight Night card. If you missed the live show, catch the replay on YouTube, Rumble, or Twitch, or listen to our audio podcast.

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Conor Mcgregor Getting Ready For Ufc 300
Conor McGregor Staying in the news

Conor McGregor Discussion

The episode starts with a heated discussion about Conor McGregor’s absence from a recent press conference. McGregor was expected to promote his upcoming fight at UFC 303 but failed to show up, leaving fans and fighters alike speculating about his condition and commitment. Ariel Helwani reported that Michael Chandler was informed not to fly to Ireland as the press conference was cancelled. This raises questions about McGregor’s current state and the potential reasons behind his no-show.

AJ suggests that McGregor might be playing mind games to keep everyone guessing. He points out that McGregor looks in excellent shape despite rumours of injury and other issues based on recent photos. Dave, however, expresses concern over McGregor’s absence and the UFC’s decision to pull promotional content featuring McGregor, indicating that more serious issues might be at play.

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Key Takeaways

  • McGregor missed a crucial press conference, sparking speculation about his fight status.
  • Despite concerns, recent photos show McGregor in good shape.
  • The UFC’s promotional changes suggest potential underlying issues.

Nate Diaz vs. Jorge Masvidal Brawl

Next, the hosts delve into the chaotic brawl between Nate Diaz and Jorge Masvidal’s teams during a press conference for their upcoming boxing match. The melee broke out unexpectedly, drawing attention and fueling their intense rivalry.

Dave shows video footage of the brawl, highlighting the intense altercation between the camps. AJ notes that such incidents can heighten interest in the fight and pose significant risks, such as injuries that could jeopardize the event. The brawl has undeniably added a layer of excitement and unpredictability to their upcoming bout.

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Key Takeaways

  • A brawl between Diaz and Masvidal’s teams erupted at a press conference.
  • The altercation has increased interest in their upcoming boxing match.
  • There are concerns about potential injuries affecting the fight.
Ufc 300: Dreaming Big With Conor, Brock, And Jon
Is Jon Jones Number One Pound for Pound?

Islam Makhachev vs. Jon Jones Pound-for-Pound Debate

Most of the episode discusses the pound-for-pound rankings, particularly the debate between Islam Makhachev and Jon Jones. Recently, Makhachev was ranked number one pound-for-pound by the media, a decision that Dave and AJ find contentious.

Dave argues that Jon Jones’ long-standing dominance and unbeaten record make him the clear choice for the top spot. Jones has been a champion since 2011, defeating numerous legends and maintaining his status despite controversies and suspensions. AJ agrees, highlighting Jones’ recent performance in the heavyweight division as further evidence of his superiority.

Despite acknowledging Makhachev’s impressive skills and recent victories, both hosts believe that Jones’ career accomplishments and longevity in the sport are unparalleled, making him the rightful holder of the number one pound-for-pound title.

Key Takeaways

  • The media recently ranked Islam Makhachev as the number one pound-for-pound fighter.
  • Dave and AJ argue that Jon Jones’ career and achievements make him the true number one.
  • Jones’ dominance in multiple weight classes and over a decade-long career supports their argument.

UFC Fight Night: Cannonier vs. Imavov Betting Picks

As always, Dave and AJ provide their betting picks for the upcoming UFC Fight Night card featuring Cannonier vs. Imavov. Here are some of their insights and predictions:

Jared Cannonier vs. Nassourdine Imavov

Dave’s Pick: Jared Cannonier

  • Rationale: Dave believes Cannonier’s power and experience will be critical factors in this matchup. “Cannonier has fought some of the best in the division, and his knockout power is always a threat. I think his experience will give him the edge over Imavov,” says Dave.

AJ’s Pick: Nassourdine Imavov

  • Rationale: AJ favours Imavov’s technical skills and rising momentum. “Imavov is a technical striker with great footwork. He’s been improving with every fight, and I think he has what it takes to outpoint Cannonier,” explains AJ.

Arman Tsarukyan vs. Joaquim Silva

Dave’s Pick: Arman Tsarukyan

  • Rationale: Dave highlights Tsarukyan’s wrestling and overall skill set. “Tsarukyan is a beast on the ground, and his striking has come a long way. Silva is tough, but I think Tsarukyan’s wrestling will be too much for him,” Dave states.

AJ’s Pick: Arman Tsarukyan

  • Rationale: AJ agrees with Dave, emphasizing Tsarukyan’s potential. “Tsarukyan has shown he can hang with the best in the division. His grappling is top-notch, and I see him controlling this fight,” AJ concurred.

Pat Sabatini vs. Lucas Almeida

Dave’s Pick: Pat Sabatini

  • Rationale: Dave praises Sabatini’s grappling and submission skills. “Sabatini is a submission specialist, and his grappling is excellent. Almeida is dangerous, but I think Sabatini will find a way to get it to the ground and finish it there,” Dave asserts.

AJ’s Pick: Lucas Almeida

  • Rationale: AJ leans towards Almeida’s striking and knockout power. “Almeida has knockout power, and he’s aggressive. If he can keep it standing, he has a good chance to land a big shot,” AJ predicts.

Other Notable Fights

Dave’s Picks:

  • Fight: Dave emphasizes considering recent performances and training camps for other fights on the card. “Look at how fighters have performed recently and who they’ve been training with. It makes a big difference,” Dave advises.

AJ’s Picks:

  • Fight: AJ also advises looking at fighters’ styles and how they match up. “Styles make fights. Some fighters have the right style to beat their opponent, so keep that in mind when placing your bets,” AJ suggests.

Key Takeaways

  • Cannonier vs. Imavov: Both fighters have strong chances, with Cannonier’s power and Imavov’s technical skills being key factors.
  • Tsarukyan vs. Silva: Tsarukyan’s wrestling and overall skills make him a favourite.
  • Sabatini vs. Almeida: The fight could go either way, with Sabatini’s grappling and Almeida’s striking as strong assets.
  • Other Fights: Consider fighters’ recent performances, training camps, and styles when making betting decisions.
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Placing your bets? Use our link at bet99.ringsidereport.net

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